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Wub Wheel Company


Regular price $65.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $65.00 USD
Sale Sold out
  • chenille patch stitched in house
  • 400gsm Heavyweight Organic Cotton with brushed interior
  • 100% Organic Cotton facing
  • 100% Organic Cotton double-folded flat knit cotton ribbing
  • rability
  • 4" wide, double folded, flat-knit side ribbing for added flexibility
  • Adjustable drawstring hood with front kanga pocket
  • Standard Fit
  • Pre-shrunk and treated to ensure minimal shrinkage
  • Pantone: TCX 18-1244
  • This is an organic product handmade at our GOTS certified facility in Pakistan
  • GOTS license no. USB TEX 4248

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